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來源:職稱論文咨詢網發布時間:2023-04-25 23:12:14

很多人員可能不是很了解,SSCI是美國《社會科學引文索引》的一個簡稱。《社會科學引文索引》(Social Science Citation Index,簡稱SSCI)為美國科學情報研究所建立的綜合性社科文獻數據庫,涉及經濟、法律、管理、心理學、區域研究、社會學、信息科學等。



  Behavioral Research in Accounting

  British Accounting Review

  International Journal of Accounting

  Issues in Accounting Education

  Jourmnal of Accounting Literature

  Joumal of Business Finance &Accounting

  Jourmal of Information Systems

  Joumal of Management Accounting Research

  Joumal of Intemational Financial Management and Accounting

  Jourmal of Taxation

  Jourmal of Accounting Education

  Jourmal of Intemational Accounting Auditing & Taxation

  Management Accounting Research

  Research in Accounting Regulations


  Columbia Journal of Asian Law

  Law Quarterly Review

  American Journal of Comparative Law

  Columbia Journal of Transnational law

  George Washington Journal of International Law and Economics

  Harvard International Law Journal

  International & Comparative Law Quarterly

  International Tax and Business Lawyer

  McGill University Law Review

  Michigan Journal of International law

  Northwestern Jourmal of International Law and Business

  Osgoode-Hall Law Journal

  Stanford Journal of International Law


主站蜘蛛池模板: 宾阳县| 贵港市| 翼城县| 广饶县| 泰来县| 松原市| 道孚县| 长泰县| 工布江达县| 凤冈县| 高陵县| 惠东县| 海阳市| 十堰市| 南涧| 如东县| 缙云县| 怀仁县| 大洼县| 乳源| 新兴县| 铁岭县| 南溪县| 浠水县| 祁门县| 双柏县| 绥中县| 双桥区| 宁国市| 余庆县| 治多县| 响水县| 惠州市| 东源县| 乐亭县| 吉安市| 陇西县| 横峰县| 龙陵县| 廊坊市| 柞水县|